

A type-alias for ’AssetName`, which are free-form byte-arrays between 0 and 32 bytes.


AssetName = ByteArray

A multi-asset value that can be found when minting transaction. Note that because of historical reasons, this is slightly different from Value found in transaction outputs.

Note that you’re never expected to construct a MintedValue yourself. If you need to manipulate multi-asset values, use Value

See also from_minted_value.

A type-alias for a PolicyId. A PolicyId is always 28-byte long


PolicyId = Hash<Blake2b_224, Script>

A multi-asset output Value. Contains tokens indexed by PolicyId and AssetName.

This type maintain some invariants by construction; in particular, a Value will never contain a zero quantity of a particular token.


ada_asset_name: ByteArray = #""

Ada, the native currency, isn’t associated with any AssetName (it’s not possible to mint Ada!).

By convention, it is an empty ByteArray.

ada_policy_id: ByteArray = #""

Ada, the native currency, isn’t associated with any PolicyId (it’s not possible to mint Ada!).

By convention, it is an empty ByteArray.


  self: Value,
  policy_id: PolicyId,
  asset_name: AssetName,
  quantity: Int,
) -> Value

Add a (positive or negative) quantity of a single token to a value. This is more efficient than merge for a single asset.

flatten(self: Value) -> List<(PolicyId, AssetName, Int)>

Flatten a value as list of 3-tuple (PolicyId, AssetName, Quantity).

Handy to manipulate values as uniform lists.

  self: Value,
  with: fn(PolicyId, AssetName, Int) -> Option<result>,
) -> List<result>

Flatten a value as a list of results, possibly discarding some along the way.

When the transform function returns None, the result is discarded altogether.

from_asset(policy_id: PolicyId, asset_name: AssetName, quantity: Int) -> Value

Construct a Value from an asset identifier (i.e. PolicyId + AssetName) and a given quantity.

from_lovelace(quantity: Int) -> Value

Construct a Value from a lovelace quantity.

Friendly reminder: 1 Ada = 1.000.000 Lovelace

from_minted_value(self: MintedValue) -> Value

Convert a MintedValue into a Value.

lovelace_of(self: Value) -> Int

A specialized version of quantity_of for the Ada currency.

merge(left: Value, right: Value) -> Value

Combine two Value together.

negate(self: Value) -> Value

Negates quantities of all tokens (including Ada) in that Value.

  |> value.negate
  |> value.merge(v1)
  |> value.is_zero
// True

policies(self: Value) -> List<PolicyId>

A list of all token policies in that Value with non-zero tokens.

quantity_of(self: Value, policy_id: PolicyId, asset_name: AssetName) -> Int

Extract the quantity of a given asset.

to_dict(self: Value) -> Dict<PolicyId, Dict<AssetName, Int>>

Convert the value into a dictionary of dictionaries.

to_minted_value(self: Value) -> MintedValue

Convert a Value into a MintedValue.

tokens(self: Value, policy_id: PolicyId) -> Dict<AssetName, Int>

Get all tokens associated with a given policy.

without_lovelace(self: Value) -> Value

Get a Value excluding Ada.

zero() -> Value

Construct an empty Value with nothing in it.

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